Here you find some videos with examples made ourself or by customers, partners on the RadioactivityCounter App - Videos are in HD, so you first switch to 720p then to full screen for best results.:

Video review from BIONERD23 (thanks a lot), with comparision and helpful tips for setup from a nativ speaker (17min in length).

Video of a longtime timelapse measurement with mineral samples in the CloudChamber mode. Running our RadioactivityCounter App on the iPad 2. Thanks to Stefan Klemenc for providing the video.

Video of a longtime timelapse measurement with background radiation (showing cosmic particles) and a week source (TG-series Spark Gap Tube with Cs137 as ionizing source) and a Thorite for comparison.  Thanks to Stefan Klemenc making the video about this example. When you see long lines or larger dots these represent  radiation  from either the environment or cosmic particles (sun flares etc.). Single Pixel can be the result of a hit or a noise effect on the chip. Very large structures are typically of cosmic origin as the result in a cascade of electrons which hits the sensor when converted. Some research on Neutrons hitting videochips has been done already to be found in the Web and a dependance on the max line length an energy deposited.

Videos of a private mineral collection part 1-10 in comparison - using the RadioactivityCounter App and the GMC-300 Geiger Counter:

part 1 - Pure Pitchblend, Bismuth (non radioactive)
part2 - Torbernite
part 3 - Uranpyrochlore
part 4 - Autunite
part 5 - Coffinite
part 6 - Thorite
part 7 - Metamict Ekanite
part 8 - Samarskite
part 9 - Betafite
part 10 Allanite

Video of Thorium doped Tungsten (Wolfram)  Electrodes (radioactive) used for welding, and checked by our App on iPhone 4S and iPad 2.  Thanks to Stefan Klemenc making the video about this example:

Video from a vintage radium dial watch, which was still in usage on a partner until discovered and checked by our App.  Thanks to Stefan Klemenc making the video about this example:

Video from the private military compass collection thanks to Stefan Klemenc also featuring the iOS App:

Video from  private ore collection: monazite (natural ore from Madagaskar and sand  from Brazil) thanks to Stefan Klemenc also featuring the iOS App:

Thorite crystal emitting radiation -- example with GM Tube, the upcoming iOS App and the Android App.

Video on radioactive mushrooms in the Bavarian forest:

Video instructions and other videos from us on the Android App:

Video on the iOS App noise background measurement :

(C) 2018 MultiMediaStudio Dipl. Ing. Rolf-Dieter Klein